
Teaching Faculty - Department of Chinese Studies-M,D

*The names are listed in Japanese alphabetical order.
*When you send an E-mail, please replace "・" with "@".
NameSpecialized fields /Research interestsEmail
USUDA MasakoChinese Linguistics (Phonology, Morphology), Research on " Shuowen-Jiezi " and Historical Chinese Phonology in Qing Dynasty
KAJI Hiromoto Chinese Diplomacy in the UN, Asian International Relations / Focusing on Diplomacy in the U.N. , Asian International Relations kajigen・aichi-u.ac.jp

KAWABE IchiroUnited Nations Affairs, Japanese Diplomacy with the Main Focus on UN Policykawabe・aichi-u.ac.jp
JIN ZhanAgricultural Economics, Rural Sociology / Economic development of Cnimese rural areas jinzhan・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
KUWASHIMA YumikoEast Asian Area Study, Research on Chinese Modern Literature and Culture, International Culture Researchkuwa・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
KO EitetsuHistory of Modern Taiwan, Taiwanese Literature, Modern Chinese Literature, Meaning of "Post-War" in Taiwanyingche・aichi-u.ac.jp
GAO MingjieAnthropological Research on Chinese Society and Culture
SHIOYAMA MasazumiChinese Linguistics, Research in Modern Chinese Language, Chinese Language Study and Intercultural Interpretation by Modern Westernersshioyama・aichi-u.ac.jp
SETSU MeiComparative Linguistics of Japanese and Chinese / Comparative Research on Japanese and Chinese Verbal Behavior, Sociolinguisticsxueming・aichi-u.ac.jp
TANG Yanxia Sociology / Self-Government of City Basis Society in China, Labor Relations in Japanese Companies Operating in China
MATSUI Naoyuki Constitutional Law / Reception and Transformation of Constitutionalism in Japan, China, and Taiwan
Chunli LI Chinese Economic Theory, International Industry Theory, Environment Economics

Associate Professors:
NameSpecialized fields /Research interestsEmail
ABE Hirotada China's Foreign Economic Relations hirotada・aichi-u.ac.jp
KISHIMA FumioStudy on Chinese Classics / History of Chinese Philosophy with Focus on Rituals and Ceremonies / Cultural History of Asian Bookskish・aichi-u.ac.jp
NAGAI ChiakiChinese Social Economic History, Financial History of China / Economic History of Sung Dynasty, Public Finance and Military Affairs During Southern Sung Dynastycnagai・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp