

The Aichi University Institute of International Affairs (愛知大学国際問題研究所) will reach its seventieth anniversary in 2018. Although a small provincial institute attached to a private university, it has been well known within the country and also overseas for its long established Chinese research going back to the days before Japan had formal diplomatic relations with China. It is a matter of pride for us that our Institute dates back farther than the government-sponsored Japan Institute of International Affairs and other similar research institutions of law or politics in Japan. Indeed in 2002 the Government of Japan chose our University as a Centre of Excellence (COE) in Chinese studies, which has led to the establishment of the International Center for Chinese Studies (ICCS) that works in close collaboration with our Institute.

Despite its long history, however, our Institute has failed effectively to publicize its activities in English. In view of this failure on our part, the Institute’s Steering Committee has decided to prepare this pamphlet to introduce the Institute and its activities, and to let our Institute be better known to those interested in international affairs, and with a view to further extending our links with researchers in other parts of the world. We will welcome any query about the contents of this pamphlet.