
Teaching Faculty - Department of Humanities-M,D

*The names are listed in Japanese alphabetical order.
*When you send an E-mail, please replace "・" with "@".
NameSpecialized fields /Research interestsEmail
IJUIN ToshiakiPhilosophy/ Meaningfulness of life, happiness, morality (basic normative ethics)
IWASAKI MasayaPrinciples of Agriculture / Rural Development,Agricultural Policy ,Agrarianismiwasaki・aichi-u.ac.jp
USHIRO FusaoPolitics, Public Administration, Public Policy / Contemporary politics of Japan and Italy, Reforms of Local Government, Welfare System, Third Sectorfushiro・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
UTSUI ShinichiResearch in Early Modern Japanese Literature, Research in Buddhism and Japanese Culture
URUSHIDANI HirokiJapanese Linguistics, Research in Japanese Sentence Structurehirokiu・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
OKAMOTO KoheiGeography / Behavioral Geography, Geographical History and Thoughtokamotok・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
ONO KenichiStudy of History, Study of World History, Western History, European Medieval History
KASHIMURA AikoAnalysis of Modern Society Based on Lacanian Psychoanalysis Theory, Analysis of Modern Culture, Clinical Sociology, Cultural Studies etckashi・aichi-u.ac.jp
KATAOKA KuniyoshiSociolinguistics, Anthropological Linguistics, Appied English Linguisticskkataoka・aichi-u.ac.jp
KAMIYA SatoshiModern History of Japan, Archival Science
KAWAMURA AkiContemporary American Representational Culture / American Novels and Films in 21st Centuryakawa・aichi-u.ac.jp
KITAO YasuyukiFormal Linguistics / Syntax, Generative Grammarkitao・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
Economical Geography (Focused on Company's Regional Development of Advertisement and Marketing Activity), Cartographyakiok・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
German Language, German Literature, German Cultural History shimada・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
SHIMONO MasatoshiPhilosophy / Modern German Philosophy with a Focus on Kantshimono・aichi-u.ac.jp
SUZUKI YasushiGerman Language Study, " Erlebte Rede " (Represented Speech in German) / German Imperative Expression / Narratologyysuzuki・aichi-u.ac.jp
TSUCHIYA YoFamily Sociology, Disability Studies / Relations between People with Disabilities and their Familyyout・aichi-u.ac.jp
TODA ToshiyukiRegional Planning / Research on Region-Wide City Collaboration, Research on Public-Private Partnership in Regional Planning / Theory of Regional Think Tanksttoda・aichi-u.ac.jp
NAKAO JuroFrench Literature, Modern and Contemporary Poems (Arthur Rimboud, Victor Segalen)
NAKAO HiroshiFrench, Corpus Linguistics, LCS (Lexical Conceptual Structure)hnakao・aichi-u.ac.jp
NAGASE MichikoAmerican Literature, Toni Morrison and Modern African-American Literature, Film Analysisnagase・aichi-u.ac.jp
HIRATAKA FumiyaForeign Language Education and Research with a focus on the Japanese Language, Sociolinguistics / History of the Japanese Language Teaching, Immigrant language Policy in Germanyhirataka・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
HIROSE NorioJapanese Ancient History, History of International Relations in East Eurasia
FUJII TakashiJapanese Modern Literature, Research on Literature and Philosophical Backgrounds in Taisho and Showa Periodtfujii・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
YAMADA KuniakiHistory of Mediaeval Japankuniaki・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
YAMAMOTO AkiraLibrary and Information Science, Information Retrieval, Classification and Indexing, Terminology 
WADA AkemiJapanese Linguistics, Research in Ancient Japanese Language, Research in Expressions in Classical Japanese Literature (Grammar, and Meaning)awada・vega.aichi-u.

Associate Professors:
NameSpecialized fields /Research interestsEmail
UEDA Takefumi Sociology, Urban Studies /Sociological Studies on the Politics of Expertise in Urban Planning ueda127・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp
TANABIKI YusukeSociology of work, Social stratification, Social attitude / Survey research on development and change of work values, and the interplay of social stratification and psychological aspects of work tanabiki・vega.aichi-u.ac.jp